Is TruthFinder a Scam?
Posted by : Admin
The Internet contains a huge amount of information about many aspects of people’s lives, various things, including personal data. The infinity of the Internet has given rise to a certain myth among many people that anything can be found here. Yes, you can find a lot of things, but everything has a limit. There is personal, secret information on all citizens of the world on the Internet. We looked through a lot of sites in search of at least one good resource providing information from different sources (from social networks, tax, etc.), and we found only one. And this is TruthFinder. You might hear about it. But many ask is TruthFinder a scam site? Let’s figure it out.

On the Internet, there are a lot of databases that allow you to find a person by one of the following parameters: personal information, photos, work and so on. The search is held by any of the options. This base is one of the most extensive in the world and includes residents of all regions. So, from you, it is required to enter the specific date in the field and a resource will provide you with all kinds of information on the entered data in a matter of minutes. These resources don’t limit users to a certain number of requests. You can enter data as much as is required. However, there is a pitfall: such databases contain personal information about real people and it can be subject to criminal prosecution (violation of the Law on Personal Data and the Criminal Code) and no provider or hosting wanted to be embroiled in such a scandal. So, they just ask you to send money for a search, you do this and don’t get any information because this is a scam. Scammers get the money, your real name, last name and telephone number and the information about a person you are looking for.
Also, most of the database sites are created solely for the purpose of personal gain on naive and super-curious citizens. For access to the database and found files, sites offer to subscribe to “super important” content in the form of jokes, pictures, games, etc. at prices ranging from 10 to 50 dollars per month just sending a message. And it will be extremely problematic to disconnect from such a subscription. And this is the second pitfall of such sites. But TruthFinder has nothing to do with this. Let’s see what you can get using this website.
First of all, you can get the truth about almost everyone using the site: for example, whether a person has a criminal record, the current address of living, properties of a person and so on. And you do it for free and absolutely legal. TruthFinder is not a scam. It just makes it easy to get to know information about other people.
The main background reports may have:
• Birthdate
• Full name and nicknames
• Year of birth
• Private photos
• Close relatives
• Phone numbers
• Education
But if you are looking for more information about a person, then you may pay for a premium search that contains such information as:
• Criminal past
• Arrest of records
• Fines
• Weapon Permits
• And other information!
Many people are afraid to pay for this, thinking that TruthFinder a scam. But don’t worry, it is an absolutely verified website and used by millions of people.
Reasons to use TruthFinder:
1. It is real:
Once again, many people think that TruthFinder is a scam. But it is not so. And you can make sure of it reading feedback.
2. People search
Did you get an invitation to the meeting? A quick search can give all the information about a person and his or her private life! Met a new friend in a cafe? Look at him or her using TruthFinder. Its search can reveal a social media profile even if people don’t want you to find it.
3. Identifying of unknown callers
It can give you the information about unknown phone numbers that none of the websites can give you! Also, its phone numbers search can reveal possible photos and profiles on social networks.
4. Avoidance of frauds
TruthFinder – scam or real? It is real, of course, and you can check it out by yourself! For example, imagine a situation: you notice a car with the words “for sale” in the window. Before you make a call, check these numbers through TruthFinder. Or did someone send you a strange message on a dating site and you want to check both the site and the person you chat with? Again use TruthFinder and keep calm. And also use dating sites with a good reputation. One of such sites is j4l. Jump4love has no scams and provides 100% guarantee of it.
5. Background checks
What do other people think about you? There’s only one method to figure it out is to use TruthFinder People Search Report.
Also, if you decide to arrange an unexpected surprise for your old friends who have not been seen for a long time or just want to please them with a phone call but don’t remember a phone number – use this resource. Find a person in a huge database that is open to one and all!
So, as you can understand, an ordinary person will never get access to these databases, but we always have some resources, in which, in fact, we can always find the information that interests us. The search for the most important information became possible thanks to TruthFinder. Regardless of the type of information you are trying to find – whether it is general information or searching for people – you can always use open access to it.
Who can use the website?
1. HR departments
Employment issues are the foundation for a company. The generated report will reduce the time for the personnel department to check applicants during the period of employment.
2. Security services
The website will help ensure the internal security of the company. After checking an applicant for employment, TruthFinder will be able to quickly identify possible threats and risks to the organization.
3. Business people
If you enter into an important contract with a person about whom nothing is known, use TruthFinder. Secure yourself because the biggest deals are usually related to real estate. Or use the site before the transaction. It will help get to know whether the term of office of the representative of the counterpart signing the documents has expired (it is determined by the organization’s charter or power of attorney).
4. Ordinary people
Of course, we all want to get the truth about different people. For example, getting acquainted on a dating site, we actually don’t know anything about a person with whom we chat. And TruthFinder can help you with this. Or here is one more option for those who use dating sites – just use proven ones. For example, it can be J4L. Jump4love has no scam, so you can be sure that you are in safe.