Plexus Scam: Everything You Wanted to Know
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Many manufacturers of drugs for weight loss use an old female dream in their advertising strategies - eat as much as you like, and lose weight easily and quickly by taking miraculous pills. Unfortunately, in reality, this is not possible. You can only lose weight stably by combining proper nutrition with physical activity.

One of the most popular weight loss products right now is Plexus, and thus, there is a lot of discussion about whether it really works or not. Today we will discuss the common types of weight loss products and Plexus in particular. This is not a Plexus review in the general sense of the word. It’s not a Plexus slim review, it is more of critical analysis, we are going to talk about the tactics and the strategies that Plexus use to sell their products.
Drugs for weight loss are divided into 7 main groups.
Food substitutes
They are a mixture of fiber, amino acids, vitamins, and proteins, which mimics a complete diet. May contain appetite suppressants. Usually produced in the form of cocktails or a mixture that must be mixed with water. They can be consumed instead of one of the main meals. Such cocktails are low-calorie and usually harmless if you follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
Products that make you feel full
The main element of these products is fiber. They are taken before meals and due to this, the amount of ordinary food consumed is reduced. These products are often made from seaweed. They cleanse the intestines well, but they have no direct effect on the process of losing weight and cannot serve as substitutes for food.
Products that lower your appetite
These are chemicals that can only be used as directed by a doctor. They help reduce hunger. They act on the nervous system and have a number of side effects. Therefore, they should be used only in extreme cases.
Water is removed from the body, which is actively delayed when taking sweet, salty, and fatty foods. They can cause quite rapid weight loss, but their efficiency is not that massive, since water reserves are quickly restored by the body, and the amount of fat does not decrease. Regular use of these products can lead to health problems and significant deterioration of the skin.
They are often described as "an additive that normalizes digestion and activates intestinal motility." In fact, just like the previous group, the effect is illusory - weight loss is only due to the removal of excessive wastes. They cannot be taken for a long time, as the body gets used to it and its own mechanism gets weaker. After stopping the intake, there may be constipation.
Fat blocking drugs
This group reduces the absorption of fats from food, and they are excreted in an almost unchanged form. Accordingly, they act only if you eat fatty foods. These products can act in two ways, by blocking the enzyme that breaks down fat, or adsorption (usually using chitosan). When used wisely, these products are harmless but can cause diarrhea, flatulence, and irritation of the intestine due to increased stool fat.
Fat burners
The most famous component of these supplements is bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapple). They also use extracts from other plants. These drugs activate digestion and metabolism, but not really. Therefore, their use will not give a visible effect without physical exercises and diet.
In order not to buy a fake or uncertified product, it is better to purchase such drugs in pharmacies. Carefully read their composition and follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the regimen and intake doses. It is very advisable to consult a doctor when choosing a drug, especially if you have any health problems. Now with that out of the way, let’s find out, is Plexus legit?
So which one of them is Plexus and is it a scam or is it a legitimate product? The following is in no way a Plexus products review, but just an analysis of all of the shady tactics and aspects of Plexus’ business.
The efficiency level of any product that claims to help people get rid of the nasty extra pounds will always be questioned, no matter how much research was done, and how much money was invested in its production. This is because this market is generally associated with fraudulent products and marketing strategies.
Weight loss products, obviously, consider people with excess weight that desperately want to get rid of it without actually doing anything as their target audience. They do a great job at fooling these people, because it is always a lot more compelling to not do anything and just lay back in your couch instead of eating healthy products and running a treadmill. This doesn’t mean that these products don’t have any positive effect on the weight loss process at all, but people tend to exaggerate the impact of these products. Manufacturers of weight loss products intentionally not talk about the “hard part” of the weight loss process, and they are interested in the magical effects of their product.
But how does Plexus fall into this discussion?
Is Plexus a scam? Let’s talk about their products, strategies, and figure out whether or not Plexus slim scam is true or not.
Well, Plexus tells its customers that the product improves “gut health”, which is a very vague term for a very vague improvement. What is “gut health” anyway? Plexus’ ambassadors respond with meaningless rhetoric when they are faced with critical questions and when their product gets challenged. The main thing that you should remember is that it is stated on the bottom of their website, in very small print, that none of their products are actually approved by the FDA. Their products are not intended for diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease. But why isn’t it approved by the FDA? Well, maybe because it is just a fraud scheme? Who knows.
Let’s talk about some of the ways in which Plexus resembles a fraud scheme
The salesmen are referred to as “ambassadors”, and they basically have to battle each other for the sake of money. The product is, in terms of its FDE/FTC-longevity, is a rather sketchy and unstable one. Everything you have is under their control, if they will get closed down tomorrow – you will be left with no money. If they are going to decide that they are going to change their prices for one reason or another – you will be left with an expensive product that you will have to sell to customers.
The scheme of recruiting ambassadors into the team resembles a pyramid scheme. No one really cares about the demand for their products, you are stuck with their products and you have to sell them, that’s it. 3 people should recruit 3 other people, and they, of course, have to recruit 3 other people as well. Also, as it turns out, ambassadors tend to sell more products to their recruits, rather than to the actual customers.
They’ve also had numerous legal issues. Their products have been banned in quite a few countries, as their products contain a very dangerous chemical, DMAA, which has a risk of increasing blood pressure, and it even has a chance of causing bleeding in the brain. You can’t find the product on Amazon, it has been banned. In 2014, it was revealed to the public that one of their products contained an endangered plant from Africa called Hoodia, which lowers hunger level.
Is Plexus slim a scam? Well, personally, I would never buy their product, if you know at least something about diets and weight loss, then there is no reason for you to buy their products. So, the short to the question of whether or not Plexus is a scam – Yes, it is.