Scanguard Review: Scam or Legit?
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What do we mean by antivirus? In this case, it means the protection of a computer. How does a similar program work? After downloading and installing the antivirus on the PC or smartphone, the program starts scanning the hard drive, trying to detect the malicious program. If they are found, the antivirus automatically notifies the user, offering to delete, cure or quarantine the infected document.

Cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to manipulate their victims on the Internet. And one of the most significant barriers to cyberattacks is awareness and vigilance. That is why it is worth knowing about fake antiviruses. They are usually very similar to real ones, but they don’t protect against viruses. And they bring many other problems. Most often, they appear on dubious sites, so you should be doubly careful when clicking any link. Is Scanguard a scam? This is the main question of the day.
Cybercriminals can offer you a fake antivirus
Everyone probably saw how a pop-up window or a banner with an antivirus advertisement suddenly appears when surfing the Internet. Sometimes it looks like the results of an already conducted scan of your computer, in which a dozen scary viruses have been detected. Most often, these warnings and advertisements are bright. However, don’t fall for it! A fake antivirus can do you a lot of harm. The trouble is that under the guise of updates, malware can be downloaded in this case. The main task of a fake antivirus is not to search and destroy viruses but to force the victim to pay money for “protection”, which doesn’t work. Other options are possible: search and theft of personal information, including banking information, debiting of money from a credit card, as well as damage files on a computer and smartphone.
Key features of Scanguard:
What is Scanguard? This is a software product to protect your computer from both viruses and various types of hacker attacks. But before talking about the pros and cons of the program, you should have an idea about the software product itself and read Scanguard reviews. Developers care about the competitiveness of their products, so they timely modify and update programs. All versions of Scanguard have the necessary capabilities to provide complete protection for the computer on which they are installed:
1. Protection against all types of Internet threats.
2. Full protection against all types of viruses and attacks.
3. Checking traffic, mail messages, and downloaded files in real time.
4. Protection against spam and phishing.
5. Parental control.
6. Protection against leaks of all confidential information.
7. Automatic database update.
8. Permanent network control.
Disadvantages of Scanguard:
Despite the large list of advantages and opportunities, Scanguard has a list of disadvantages:
1. The need to pay regularly for a license key.
2. A large load on the system, which leads to the slow operation of low-power computers.
3. It takes up a lot of space and RAM when working.
4. When checking, the closing of other programs is required, which sometimes is simply impossible.
5. Perceives some normal files as harmful.
6. Certain program features can be too intrusive and bother the user.
Is Scanguard a scam?
People say that Scanguard Antivirus is a new malicious program that hides under the mask of antivirus and constantly notifies users of malicious programs allegedly detected on the computer. It is worth noting that instead of protecting the computer, the malware tries to disable the firewall software, thus leaving the computer vulnerable to external attacks.
Then this malicious program performs a full scan of the computer and marks the existing system files as trojans, viruses, etc. To cure the computer, you need to buy the full version of the program (but actually, you don’t need to do this since the scan results and the scan itself are fake, so you can completely ignore them). To further scare the user, Scanguard Antivirus will display a variety of messages and warnings. For example, when starting programs, it will be reported that the program being launched is infected with a dangerous virus.
Look at this Scanguard review: “They (people who spread Scanguard scam) rely on deceiving users - they report that user computers are allegedly infected with trojans, that the computer doesn’t have one or another paid codec, and they force them to pay or buy the“necessary” tools to fight viruses. In the best case for the user, the purchased tools simply won’t do anything”.
In addition to these messages, many others appear, which means one thing – the computer is infected, urgently requires activation of the antivirus. Of course, all of these messages (as well as fake scan results) are a scam, which is aimed at luring your money.
Is Scanguard legitimate? Most likely, it is not. From the foregoing, it is obvious that Scanguard is a dangerous program, the presence of which on your computer is absolutely undesirable. At the first symptoms of infection, stop using your computer to perform any action, from editing documents to shopping on the Internet. You need to remove this fake antivirus as soon as possible.
Why is it advertised?
Is Scanguard legit? No! Do you need more proof? Well, look, Cybercriminals spread of the antivirus through social networks, manipulating search queries through comments on sites, posts on Twitter, and vulnerabilities in blogs and on Facebook. According to statistics, every month fake antivirus gets into 35 million computers, which has an impact on real users in an amount equal to about half of this figure. This scale allows criminals to earn a lot of money. It is believed that the attackers receive from their program about $34 million. The cost of each of them is approximately 50 dollars per month.
Is Scanguard safe?
No! These fake antivirus programs look very much like real antivirus programs and their messages are very annoying and frightening. Every 5-10 minutes, they pop up, tell you that your computer is infected and need to be treated urgently, and you have to pay for this. Of course, the computer doesn’t have these viruses. Scanguard simply selects random non-infected files on the computer and says that they are infected with a virus, and the name is picked randomly. As a result, people get scared and pay. The fact is that you lose $50, don’t fix anything and the data of your credit card remain with scammers.