Is ScamAdviser a Scam or Legit?
Posted by : Admin
The number of scammers on the Internet is increasing daily. Therefore, there are services that help network users to check whether a site they are interested in is a scam or not. And when you authenticate a specific website, you can happen on a and ask yourself questions: What is a Does it work well? Can this service help me to check a website for a scam? Is ScamAdviser legit? Can I trust it? Let's beat the matter out and find out whether ScamAdviser is a scam.

What is ScamAdviser? is an online service that provides a network user with the opportunity to check a website that has sparked his interest and find out whether he can trust this site before using its services. Most often, it is about various e-commerce sites, online marketplaces, and trading platforms.
According to the official website, was created by a group of users who were tired of fraudulent websites and unscrupulous scam on the Internet and wanted to give other people a chance to identify and expose these deceptive services.
How does work?
A lot of Internet services that help people to understand whether a particular site is a scam or not do it from the perspective of whether this site can infect your personal computer with malicious software. Although this is very important information for every user, there are a lot of other helpful ways to determine whether a website is a scam or not.
ScamAdviser enounces that they currently use more than 150 different criteria to check websites for a scam. However, they often urge their users to be governed by common sense first, as Internet sites can adopt some new and harmful policies or change the owners.
Cost is free for all people who want to use it. According to the developers, all the funding comes from donations and the money they earn from the advertisement which is placed on the pages of their website. Thus, it gives them the opportunity to provide absolutely free services for their users.
Trust level
On the Internet, there are a lot of both positive and negative ScamAdviser reviews. Some people put the blame on this service for making negative reviews to competing Internet sites that provide similar services. Other people say that the validation criteria used by ScamAdviser is unreliable and misleading and results in a fact that good scam-free websites get negative reviews and deceitful websites – good reviews.
7 Red flags of
Some people call even worse than a scam. Is this so or not? There are some red flags that may put you on the alert and arouse suspicion that ScamAdviser is a fake.
1. No guarantee and return policy
Since is free, this service provides no reassurance and return policy to its users. Therefore, if you make a purchase from an online marketplace that ScamAdviser has identified as safe and trustworthy, but this is not so and you are deceived, then is not responsible and assumes no liability for this.
2. No customer service contact information
Disappointingly, there is no any contact information about customer service on However, if you believe that a certain website has received an incorrect ScamAdviser review of rating from this service, there is a “Report” button on each page so that you can provide the website administration with your feedback.
3. Uses abusive, untruthful, and misleading phrases in search engines
ScamAdviser uses abusive, untruthful, and misleading phrases in search engines to harm legal online businesses and pulverize opponents. For example, when checking your own website, ScamAdviser often states that your site is “suspicious”, “insecure”, or “fake”. This is done to attract the attention of other network users when searching for a particular website. This is one of the most obvious signs of a scam. After all, those services that intend to make money on the Internet quickly and easily cannot wait for visitors, but try to lure them from other sites. Professional companies that provide similar services to ScamAdviser never take such actions to offend another website or marketplace.
4. Uses unreasonable criteria for scam identification
Registering a private domain is a safety concern for people who do not want to expose their Internet address to everyone. This option is completely legal and allowed by the domain registration authority. However, ScamAdviser uses this as a reason for scam identification and says that a site is suspicious just because of "using a service to hide its Internet address."
5. Claims sites without contact information to be a scam
People often think that a legitimate website should have some contact information, such as a phone number, email address, business address, or even a fax. Although there are some Internet services and trading platforms that still have only a feedback form. For example, a website of a home-based business can have just a contact form as the owners do not want their phone number to be spammed with different advertisements. But ScamAdviser states such websites to be suspicious and insecure. The most ridiculous thing is that itself does not provide any phone or contact information. There is only an email address if you want to place an advertisement on this site.
6. Inadequate checking system
The ways of checking for scam on ScamAdviser misinform inexperienced users because they are based on misleading and unreasonable criteria. This site checks Internet services using only general information about a website, that is, all the data about the site that is visible to ordinary users of the network. So how can ScamAdviser identify something suspicious relying only on this information? When you use ScamAdviser services to check a site for a scam, it probably helps the developers to promote this site on the Internet, doing harm to legitimate small businesses and making them prospectless.
7. Tries to hide negative reviews
ScamAdviser has created several fake web pages on the Internet by linking their own domain name to a search engine in order to hide some negative reviews about the site. An honest professional service will never do such manipulations in search engines.
Summarizing: Is ScamAdviser safe?
Since ScamAdviser uses unreasonable criteria for scam identification and is absolutely useless (it cannot even scan a site for malevolent software, viruses, or data miners), it cannot be called helpful and safe. Therefore, using its services, you will only advertise its deceitful features and help the site to inflict damage to legitimate businesses. Respectively, it is better not to use the services of, not to click on the links of advertisements, and not to visit this site at all.
If you want to find out if a site is suspected of scam and carries little credibility, there are many other websites and services that provide people with completely free information about a site in order to help them decide whether to trust the website or not. This is especially important when it comes to money and business. Also, it is better to do some research and learn how to get some information about a site yourself that rely on an unknown source and trust everything it says.
Do you still doubt whether to use the services of ScamAdviser? Just browse the Internet, discover some reviews, and you will see everything with your own eyes!