Is TruthFinder a Scam?
Posted by : Admin
There’s been a lot of talk, as of late, about whether truthfinder is a scam or not. A lot of people use its services every day, thus, we have to ensure ourselves whether this entire truthfinder com scam real or not. Today we will do just that.

Let’s start from beginning, what is TruthFinder?
TruthFinder is a website that allows a user to search for any citizen of the United States and look up whatever information he needs. This includes many things, like general information, contacts, a person’s background, criminal charges, if any. It uses various others databases and basically gathers information into one singular source of information.
There are two different ways to utilize the service:
1. The first way is called Background Search. Just sign in the name of a person you wish to look up and the service will do everything for you. The main sources of information are federal databases, which are required to be available to everyone on the internet.
2. The second way is done via Phone Lookup. This searching tool gathers all the information there is to find about the phone number into one package.
Is the service anonymous?
The developers claim that it is completely anonymous, in fact, it is considered as the main selling point of the entire service. But is it true? Is truthfinder a scam that sells out your data? We better keep an eye on it. Let’s go through the process of using TruthFinder:
The first thing you have to do is to insert a person’s name and residence (state). After that, the service will take some time to analyze the data and perform its search. After a few minutes of waiting you will be greeted with all the data that has been found. This includes a person’s location, date of birth and possibly even some information about his family members. In case when there is more than 1 person that fits the searching criteria, the service will sort them out by different criteria that you can choose, whether it’s age, last name, location, or etc.
Then there’s more loading ahead of us, as we now have to proceed to the report page. Only then will you be met with the full list of information that you wanted. You can then order reports on other people that are in any way connected to the initial person, like spouses or family members.
There’s also seems to be a bug, that, as it seems, hasn’t been fixed in a long time. Occasionally, when you enter a profile on the report page, you may be greeted with an image that says “The following report may contain some gruesome information. Secure session required to proceed”. While it occasionally happens, this is no way means that it’s actually the case, it’s some kind of a bug that the developers have left behind.
How free is it?
Well, not really that free. If you are looking for something comprehensive and informative, then you will have to pay for the service. If not, you will be able to access only the most basic information. And really, that information can be found faster and without the use of this service. So yeah, there are no free services provided by TruthFinder.
But what about the actual cost of the service?
First off, no trial in sight. Which is a shame, however, maybe it is done for the sake of protection of users. As anyone would be able to use it for free by installing some basic VPN on their computer and constantly changing servers. On the other hand, and this is the scary part, you have to actually enter your credit information into this thing. Ugh… I am honestly afraid of services like this. I don’t mean paid services in general, they have to make money somehow, I am talking about services that have to do something with personal data storage. Not only do they have all the information about you that is available to everyone on the internet, but they also have your credit card information, how lovely. I am starting to think that this entire truthfinder scam may be true.
There are 4 types of subscription that you can buy:
5 days for 1 dollar (which works as a trial of sorts)
1 month for 26 dollars
3 months for 45 dollars
and 6 months for 82 dollars
While, this is all the information that is available to a common user regarding the paid service that TruthFinder provides, this is not where it ends. In reality, as reports say, all of these subscription options are considered to be “standard subscriptions”, and you will have to add 15 dollars PER A REPORT to access all the detailed information that the site has to offer.
So, basically, you have to pay the service 16 dollars to get all the information about one single person. ONE SINGLE PERSON. This is ridiculous. Is truthfinder a scam? All other aspects aside, but in terms of its cost – yeah, absolutely.
And yeah, the information that is provided seems to be quite detailed, but in case that you have changed your mind and want to get your money back… congrats, you won’t. While they do have a refund policy and you can technically contact them, you will not get anything out of it. First of all, every case is evaluated individually, thus, it takes around one or two weeks to get a response from them. Let me remind you that his whole time your subscription has been ticking away. And even then, as the user’s reports suggest, the chance of getting a refund is slim to none.
So, as for the most important question, is truthfinder a scam site? Should you entrust your money to it?
Is truthfinder scam or real and trustworthy? First of all, the service is huge. It is the IPhone of public records and background information. As a search engine for information – it works fine. It takes a long time to receive your information, but at least it gathers its information from thousands of services and social networks. You remain anonymous when you use the service, which seems to be the case. For what it’s worth, it does what is supposed to. If you are in the need of such a service – you don’t have other that many options to choose from. So, if you are in a need of single search of an old friend or relative – it’s fine. But when it comes to ethical business practices – it is bad. It charges way too much and you should not buy it.